When I was eight years old, I received a magic set from my grandparents for Christmas and that’s when the bug bit. From that day forward my interest in entertaining has only grown. I spent hours upon hours in the local library reading all the books I could find on the subject, reading some many times.

After receiving an AS Degree in Engineering from Tri County Technical College in 1988, I worked for an engineering firm in Greenville, SC. It was during this summer that I started performing on a somewhat regular basis. My programs then were usually done evenings or on the weekends.

Not long after I started performing, I began to notice that I was working pretty regularly for church groups. It was then that I learned what a powerful tool adding a lesson or message to my entertainment could be. From that point on, when asked to perform for churches they also invited me to add a message or moral lesson to what I was doing.

In 1998 I was contacted by a library in Greenwood, SC to perform for their summer reading celebration. After doing this program, I realized the potential for combining my love for entertaining and my love for books into a program that would inspire children to read.

I then started offering my reading program to schools and libraries and have written a brand new reading motivation assembly program every year since. During that time I also sharpened my skills of delivering life changing lessons during church events, particularly through Upward Sports programs. It was this interaction with children of all social and economical backgrounds that I realized the need for Character Education. That’s why I’ve written the “No Wrong Turns – 6 Signs of Character” assembly program.

I also offer “The Creative Classroom” which helps teachers to be more creative in their curriculum and when they communicate with their students; and “The Rockin’ Reading Revue” reading motivation assembly program for students.